برنامج Remove Fake Antivirus 1.96 لحذف البرامج الوهمية والتجسس ضرورى لكل جهاز

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت الارشيف العام' بواسطة GOLD@MAN, بتاريخ ‏26 سبتمبر 2014.


    GOLD@MAN Guest

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    .. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..

    برنامج حذف برامح مكافحة الفيروسات الوهمية التي تضر جهازك اكثر من ان تفيد
    يقوم هذا البرنامج او الاداءه الصغيره بحذف اي انتي فايروس في جهازك ولكن ليس اي وانما اي انتي فايروس وهمي موجوده لسرقة ملفاتك واسرارك

    مساحة البرنامج 1 ميجا
    إصدار : 8/1/2014



    Remove Fake Antivirus is a free, small-sized and portable app that's worth keeping around on the computer in case it gets infected with intelligent viruses posing as antivirus applications. It does not require configuration since it takes care of the entire process with minimal user assistance.

    In other words, previous experience with antivirus software is not required to be able to remove stubborn infections from the computer. Although it may be obvious, it's worth mentioning that Remove Fake Antivirus cannot prevent malware from infiltrating the PC, so a full-fledged anti-malware/antivirus program with a real-time guard is mandatory to ensure the security of any machine.

    Portability advantages

    Since there is no setup pack involved, the executable file can be saved to any part of the hard disk and immediately launched. There is also the possibility to save the tool to a USB flash disk or other removable storage unit, in order to run it on any PC with minimum effort and no previous installers.

    Worth mentioning is that, apart from the registry entries corresponding to the fake av products, the app does not make any other modifications to the Windows registry (like most installers).

    Simple interface and options

    The GUI is represented by a single, classical window that contains only two buttons, dedicating to scanning the PC and exiting the tool. Users may also visit the developer's website to examine a list with all fake av tools identified by Remove Fake Antivirus, as well as to find out how the program works, along with a manual guide on how to remove the viruses.

    How it works

    The scanning procedure is automatic and does not imply configuration. The app knows exactly where to look for the fake av utilities and automatically removes their files, folders and registry keys without asking for permission.

    On task completion it is possible to examine log details with the full path for each deleted file. Remove Fake Antivirus recommends users to scan the computer with the latest updated antivirus application and reboot the PC to finalize the entire virus removal procedure.

    Evaluation and conclusion

    Scan jobs are performed very fast while Remove Fake Antivirus remains light on system resources. It has a pretty impressive data.... concerning fake av products. Although it has not updated to a major version for a very long time (only minor builds with new data.... additions), Remove Fake Antivirus is still reliable.




  2. Mark.0nline

    Mark.0nline Active Member

    رد: برنامج Remove Fake Antivirus 1.96 لحذف البرامج الوهمية والتجسس ضرورى لكل جهاز


    GOLD@MAN Guest

    رد: برنامج Remove Fake Antivirus 1.96 لحذف البرامج الوهمية والتجسس ضرورى لكل جهاز

    شكرآ لمرورك سيادة المشرف

    GOLD@MAN Guest

    رد: برنامج Remove Fake Antivirus 1.96 لحذف البرامج الوهمية والتجسس ضرورى لكل جهاز

    تم تعديل الرابط
    أرجو من مشرفنا الكريم إذ أمكن تعديله بالموضوع :)


    GOLD@MAN Guest

    رد: برنامج Remove Fake Antivirus 1.96 لحذف البرامج الوهمية والتجسس ضرورى لكل جهاز

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    .. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..

    رابط جديد :Remove Fake Antivirus 1.96 لحذف البرامج الوهمية والتجسس 1 ميجا فقط

    برنامج حذف برامح مكافحة الفيروسات الوهمية التي تضر جهازك اكثر من ان تفيديقوم هذا البرنامج او الاداءه الصغيره بحذف اي انتي فايروس في جهازك ولكن ليس اي وانما اي انتي فايروس وهمي موجوده لسرقة ملفاتك واسرارك

    مساحة البرنامج 1 ميجا
    إصدار : 8/1/2014
    رابط تحميل مباشر بدون إختصاراتفقط إضغط [FONT=Lucida Grande, Helvetica, Arial, Arial Unicode, sans-serif]download

    40ايجى5[FONT=Droid Arabic Kufi, tahoma, serif]Remove-Fake-Antivirus(15150)-dp.exe - File
    Upload Script

    [FONT=Droid Arabic Kufi, tahoma, serif]

    40ايجى5Remove Fake Antivirus is a free, small-sized and portable app that's worth keeping around on the computer in case it gets infected with intelligent viruses posing as antivirus applications. It does not require configuration since it takes care of the entire process with minimal user assistance. In other words, previous experience with antivirus software is not required to be able to remove stubborn infections from the computer. Although it may be obvious, it's worth mentioning that Remove Fake Antivirus cannot prevent malware from infiltrating the PC, so a full-fledged anti-malware/antivirus program with a real-time guard is mandatory to ensure the security of any machine.

    Portability advantages
    Since there is no setup pack involved, the executable file can be saved to any part of the hard disk and immediately launched. There is also the possibility to save the tool to a USB flash disk or other removable storage unit, in order to run it on any PC with minimum effort and no previous installers.Worth mentioning is that, apart from the registry entries corresponding to the fake av products, the app does not make any other modifications to the Windows registry (like most installers)

    Simple interface and options
    The GUI is represented by a single, classical window that contains only two buttons, dedicating to scanning the PC and exiting the tool. Users may also visit the developer's website to examine a list with all fake av tools identified by Remove Fake Antivirus, as well as to find out how the program works, along with a manual guide on how to remove the viruses.

    How it works
    The scanning procedure is automatic and does not imply configuration. The app knows exactly where to look for the fake av utilities and automatically removes their files, folders and registry keys without asking for permission. On task completion it is possible to examine log details with the full path for each deleted file. Remove Fake Antivirus recommends users to scan the computer with the latest updated antivirus application and reboot the PC to finalize the entire virus removal procedure.

    Evaluation and conclusion
    Scan jobs are performed very fast while Remove Fake Antivirus remains light on system resources. It has a pretty impressive data.... concerning fake av products. Although it has not updated to a major version for a very long time (only minor builds with new data....
    additions), Remove Fake Antivirus is still reliable

    [FONT=tahoma, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][​IMG]
    [FONT=tahoma, verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

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