برنامج حماية الفيروسات الرائع AVG 2015 15.0 Build 5577a8547 Final

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة رائد منير, بتاريخ ‏15 ديسمبر 2014.

  1. رائد منير

    رائد منير Active Member

    AVG 2015 15.0 Build 5577a8547 Final



    Antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows from the world's most trusted security company. Use the Internet with confidence in your home or small office.AVG Antivirus is one of the most complete programs we have found to date. It includes many new options to make it one of the most effective virus scanners on the market. It is still plagued by horrible slowdowns at times. Even things so simple as just typing an IM can be stopped for several seconds for some reason. If you can get passed the occasional slowdowns of your computer, the scanning functionality of AVG Antivirus 8 is top of the line. With the rewrite of the scanning engine, AVG includes multi-processor support. That dual core processor you bought is actually going to start getting a workout now







    Avg Anti-Virus x86

    Avg Anti-Virus x64

    InterSecurity x86

    Inter Security x64

    Avg Anti-Virus x86

    Avg Anti-Virus x64

    InterSecurity x86

    Inter Security x64


    Avg Anti-Virus x86

    Avg Anti-Virus x64

    InterSecurity x86

    Inter Security x64

    Avg Anti-Virus x86

    Avg Anti-Virus x64

    InterSecurity x86

    Inter Security x64


    Avg Anti-Virus x86

    Avg Anti-Virus x64

    InterSecurity x86

    Inter Security x64

    Avg Anti-Virus x86

    Avg Anti-Virus x64

    InterSecurity x86

    Inter Security x64
  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: برنامج حماية الفيروسات الرائع AVG 2015 15.0 Build 5577a8547 Final

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