SpeedyFox الاداة الرائعة SpeedyFox 2.0.10 build 80تقوم الاداة بتنظيف متصفحات Firefox/Skype/Chrome/Thunderbird بكل سهولة ويسر ليتمتع كل المتصفحين بالسرعة والكفائة التي تطلبها دائما تقوم بحذف كل ملفات ال....ز التي تبطئ من سرعة المتصفحات اثناء استخدامك لها فمن المعررف انة كلما استخدمت اي متصفح فإنك تستهلك منة الكثير وكان لابد ان تنظف تلك كل الملفات المستهلكة وال....ز التي به سوف تحصل علي سرعة 10 اضعاف عند بدأ التشغيل مقارنة بالسابق مع هذه الاداة ستتمتع بالسرعة والقوة التي تتطلبها للمتصفح . برنامج رائع وجميل ويستحق التجربه فعلا SpeedyFox. Your Firefox/Skype/Chrome/Thunderbird start working much slowly with the lapse of time. The reason is fragmentation of profile data....s. A tool SpeedyFox is designed specially to resolve that problem. The method used in SpeedyFox is 100% safe for your profile (e.g. bookmars, passwords, etc), it's well and tested on millions computers.SpeedyFox is a brand new small utility that fixes this problem with a single click! It seems unbelievable but after you optimize your Firefox with this tool, you will get a fresh newly-installed feel because the speed indeed gets considerably faster. You will get up 3 times faster startup speed, browsing history will become faster, and performing operations will be quicker than before. How does it work? Firefox uses SQLITE data....s to store lots of its settings. By the time the data....s grow and Firefox starts working slowly. SpeedyFox compacts those data....s without loosing any data.. How often should I run SpeedyFox? Depending on your browsing activity we recommend optimizing your profile once in 1-2 weeks. features of speedyfox : · Boost Startup in up to 3 times! · Speed-up browsing history · Overall quicker operation · Smaller profile size . Available for both Windows and Mac OS Requirements: · Firefox · Skype · Google Chrome · Thunderbird Download Link 4 Down Files