خطوط للتصميم , خطوط فوتوشوب جديدة , خطوط Xtencil Pro

الموضوع في 'منتدى برامج وملحقات الفوتوشوب' بواسطة azizhm, بتاريخ ‏8 مارس 2015.

  1. azizhm

    azizhm Member

    مجموعة خطوط Xtencil Pro

    Xtencil Pro Font Family 150$ | 9 x TTF and OTF

    Xtencil is a typeface inspired by the shapes of the drawing templates letters, ....d on the letter forms of Photo-lettering Glaser Stencil from universal teacher Milton Glaser who at the same time was influenced by the modernism and the Futura of Paul Renner. Xtencil is a round letter to create a great looks, ideal for posters and headlines. Xtencil not come as a drawing template, but as true Pro OpenType typography. Now in a complete family with upper and lower cases, an inline and a thickened Shadow versions to play with layers, also accompanied by a Dingbats font with fun graphics in the same spirit.



  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: خطوط للتصميم , خطوط فوتوشوب جديدة , خطوط Xtencil Pro

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