البرنامج العملاق PerformanceTest 8.0 Build 1047 Final لاختبار الجهاز الخاص بك واعطاء تقرير كامل في آ

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة in_ragab, بتاريخ ‏28 ابريل 2015.

  1. in_ragab

    in_ragab New Member

    PerformanceTest 8.0 build 1047 Final

    البرنامج الرائع
    PerformanceTest 8.0 Build 1047 Final
    برنامج سريع وسهل الاستخدام لاختبار سرعة الكمبيوتر الشخصي وتحديد معاييره.
    Performance Test يسمح لك بموضوعية تحديد قياسات الاداء لجهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك باستخدام مجموعة متنوعة من اختبارات السرعة ومقارنة النتائج باجهزة الكمبيوتر الاخرى.
    25 اختبار لقياس الاداء متاحة في مجموعات من 6 اختبارات بالاضافة الى خمس نوافذ اختبارات متقدمة للقياس المتخصص.
    الاختبار الاساسي.
    اختبار حسابي لوحدة المعالجة المركزية. ضغط وتشفيرSSE, ووجود تعليمات واكثر من ذلك.
    اختبارات الرسومات ثنائية الابعاد ونصوص وعناصر واجهة استخدام.
    اختبارات الرسومات ثلاثية الابعاد بسيطة الى معقدة.
    اختبارات للذاكرة والدخول السريع والفعال على الذاكرة.
    قياس سرعة السي دي والدي في دي الخاص بك.

    بعض مميزات PerformanceTest:
    مساعدة شاملة لشبكة الانترنت.
    يدعم خيوط المعالجة المتعددة، وتعدد الاختبارات ل CPU.
    تدعم طباعة النتائج.
    القدرة على حفظ نتائج اختبارات الاداء الى القرص على انها اساس جديد.

    PerformanceTest - a universal set of tests from the company PassMark, allowing to evaluate the overall performance of your PC compared to other computers. The program contains twenty seven standard tests in seven groups , plus five more for the user tests . Among the standard tests can be noted processors , 2D and 3D graphics , disk drives , memory , CD / DVD- drives and many other components of the computer . The results can be exported into formats HTML, GIF, BMP or copy in Microsoft Word

    The complex test system performance performancetest from PassMark Software can be characterized a large set of test modules and good visualization of comparative results , interestingly , Intel delivers its bundled with proprietary software motherboards own production. The program includes twenty seven standard tests in seven groups , plus five more for the user tests . Among the standard tests can be noted processors , 2D and 3D graphics , disk drives , memory , CD / DVD- drives and many other components of the computer . The program interface allows to compare the test results of other systems , six of which are written in the program itself , and the other user can import . The program also allows you to export the results as HTML- reports submitted in the form of tables can be exported in TXT- files .

    In addition to results of standard tests, PassMark performancetest 7 shows the final results and the overall result of the test ("PassMark Rating"). Developers are proud that timing for passing the tests is calculated to one millionth of a second. Benchmark results are shown as a simple histogram , so you do not have to spend hours studying numbers and independently summarize. Results can be used to determine how high the performance of your computer for comparison with other computer systems .

    The task of the utility include:
    • Figuring out whether your PC to the level at which it should work ;
    • Compare the performance of your computer with the performance of such machines and / or steeper configuration ;
    • Objective , independent measurements to help you make better buying decisions ;
    • Using the most recent trials to create your own scenarios benchmarking
    Standard tests :
    • Testing CPU Mathematical operations : compression, encryption , MMX / SSE, instructions 3DNow! etc.;
    • Testing of 2D- graphics : drawing / painting, bitmaps / bitmaps / bitmap fonts , text, and GUI elements ;
    • Testing 3D- graphics : the level of three-dimensional graphics DirectX 8.1, DirectX 9, and animation ;
    • Test drive : read, write, and search for files on the disk ;
    • Testing memory allocation and access to memory speed and performance evaluation ;
    • Testing CD and DVD: check speed CD / DVD drivers.
    • Improved customizable testing ( only available in the registered version ) :
    • Improved test disc ;
    • Improved tests for CD / DVD;
    • Advanced 3D- graphics test ;
    • Improved test organization of work in the network ( for Ethernet, Internet and wireless );
    • Improved memory test ;
    • Improved test multiprogramming work.

    Changes in version 8.0 build 1027 :
    * Added support for AMD R9 290 , 270 and R7 250 video cards
    * Fixed a possible crash when retrieving hard disk information

    Author: PassMark
    Date: 2015-04-28
    Size: 24 MB
    Medicin: Keygen
    Requires: All Windows



  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: البرنامج العملاق PerformanceTest 8.0 Build 1047 Final لاختبار الجهاز الخاص بك واعطاء تقرير كامل في آخر اصداراته على اكثر من سيرفر
