حول سطح مكتبك لتحفه فنيه مع اجمل الثيمات Winstep Xtreme

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة رائد منير, بتاريخ ‏1 نوفمبر 2015.

  1. رائد منير

    رائد منير Active Member

    Winstep Xtreme



    Winstep Xtreme - A superb collection of utilities and desktop enhancements, Winstep Xtreme will change the way you work with Windows forever. If you want to beautify your desktop, you can install a theme or you can try Winstep Xtreme, a third-party app that offers you an alternative to the traditional desktop experience

    Transforms your desktop
    Lets you have a desktop that becomes the envy of whoever looks at it... every.... loves a pretty face!

    Organizes your Applications and Reduces Desktop Clutter
    Winstep Xtreme allows you to eliminate the huge clutter from your desktop and quickly organize the applications and documents you use more frequently.

    Enhances your productivity
    Puts the things you need the most at your fingertips, allowing you to work better and faster. Your documents and applications are always just one or two clicks away.

    Simplifies every aspect of your daily work
    Instead of a generalist User Interface that compromises in order to accommodate millions of users, with Xtreme you can customize the Interface so it suits you, and the way you work.

    It's FUN to use!
    The more you use Winstep Xtreme, the more you'll go 'Wow, this rules!' as you discover all it can do for you.

    What's new in version
    • Speed! Due to new and improved activation and hide delay timings, Nexus simply feels a lot more responsive. Rendering performance when shifting icons in a fully expanded ....f to make room for a new shortcut is now also an order of magnitude faster.
    • Improved Windows 10 integration.
    • Now fully high-DPI aware. Throw anything at it from 100% to 200% scaling and everything will still work and look as it should. New settings added to control the scaling of menus and the ....f on high DPI systems.
    • Added support for systems with multiple input languages: new 'Language Bar' internal command can be placed anywhere and emulates the functionality of the Windows language bar.
    • New optional Edge Swipe activation mechanism.
    • Shortcuts in the dock now double up as running application icons, so there is no duplication of icons when running applications are being displayed in the dock.
    • ....f now smoothly resizes when double clicking a tab header to fully expand the ....f in order to show all the contents of that tab at once.
    • Smooth transitions when moving, adding or removing NextSTART taskbar buttons.
    • Weather module now automatically retrieves the user's location when running for the first time. Also added new 'Get My Location' button in the Weather settings panel.
    • New 'Fly In' menu animation as well as improvements to existing menu open animations.
    • New Smoke mouseover/launch/attention effect. Not too intrusive and makes the dock look like it's on fire! My new personal favorite when combined with the magnify effect.
    • Added support for RKLauncher dock skins.
    • Added option to automatically hide (Fade out) Work....f's desktop modules at startup.
    • New option to colorize themes ....d on the dominant color of the current desktop background.
    • Explosion animation shown when an item is deleted or removed is now user-customizable.
    • New optional Windows 10 style for some UI elements, specifically designed so the application blends in with the new Windows version. Automatically enabled on Windows 10 systems.
    • New 'Most Used' ....f tab and menu types to display a list of your most used applications.
    • Added new 'Action Center' internal command (Windows 10 only).
    • Clicking the clock module or the clock button on the taskbar now shows the Windows calendar instead of the Regional Settings dialog (Windows 7 onwards).
    • Size of the Quick Launch area in the NextSTART taskbar can now be automatically limited to a percentage of the available size.
    • Font size in the User Interface is now automatically decreased when a non-English language is selected to better accomodate the (usually) longer translations.

    Screen Shots


    SIZE: 43 MB
















  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: حول سطح مكتبك لتحفه فنيه مع اجمل الثيمات Winstep Xtreme

  3. A7med00

    A7med00 Member

    رد: حول سطح مكتبك لتحفه فنيه مع اجمل الثيمات Winstep Xtreme

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