Youtube Downloader HD تحميل برنامج Youtube Downloader HD الذى يمكنك بتحميل اى فيديو على اليوتبوب بمنتهى السهوله فالكثير من الناس يعانون من التحميل من اليوتبوب فهذا البرنامج يسهل لك كل هذا وايضا برنامج Youtube Downloader HD يجعلك تحمل الفيديو من اليوتبوب بجوده عاليه وهى تسمى HD وهى انقى انواع الجودات فى عالم الفيديوهات وبمساحه اقل من المعتاد فأنك تستفاد من برنامج Youtube Downloader HD بانك تحمل من اليوتبوب بسهوله وبسرعه وبجوده عاليه وايضا من مميزات برنامج Youtube Downloader HD انك تستطيع من خلاله بعد تحميل الفيديو ان تحوله الى الصيغ التى تريدها مثل mp4 , divx وغيرها من الصيغ فاحرص على اقتناء هذا البرنامج Youtube Downloader HD provides you with a comprehensive application that enables you to quickly grab videos from YouTube in HD and save them to your computer.Designed with ease of use in mind, the main interface consists of a single window, comprising all the configuration options in a well-organized layout. Practically, all you need to do is specify the output type, the video URL on YouTube, the output location and then press the 'Download' button to proceed to the actual process. 1080p) and FLV (at 240p, HQ at 360p or HQ at 480p), provided that the video format is also available on YouTube. Nevertheless, if you don't want to save the files in one of these formats, the application comes with video conversion capabilities, enabling you to convert FLV videos to AVI (XviD, which is supported by most video players) or MP4, which is compatible with QuickTime and iPod devices. Once the process is started, the application allows you to view the download progress, in percentages and video size. If you changed your mind, simply press the 'Stop' button to pause the process. However, the already downloaded file is not automatically erased from your computer. One advantage of this application is that it can process large video files and videos that have names with non-English characters, thus there is no limitation on the video type to download. Youtube Downloader HD is very easy to use and provides fast downloading and conversion speed, enabling you to grab video clips with high image and sound quality. Furthermore, it is portable, so it does not require installation and it does not affect your system registry, allowing you to carry it around with you on any removable drive. SIZE: 9 MB mediafire DOWNLOAD up09 DOWNLOAD 4downfiles DOWNLOAD mrfile DOWNLOAD turbobit DOWNLOAD uploaded DOWNLOAD