برنامج ضغط الملفات العملاق PowerArchiver Professional 2011 12.00.38 Final في اخر اصدار بحجم 24 ميجا

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة حودة الصعيدى, بتاريخ ‏1 ابريل 2011.

  1. حودة الصعيدى

    حودة الصعيدى Active Member

    PowerArchiver Professional 2011 12.00.38 Final

    برنامج ضغط الملفات العملاق والمنافس الاول لبرنامج وين رار
    مع هذا البرنامج تستطيع ضغط جميع انواع الملفات باختلاف امتداداتها
    كما انه يملك العديد من الخصائص المميزة والتي تجعله منفردا في مجاله
    PowerArchiver 2010 – contains all the essential features that
    you would have been needed in the program archiver –
    you can view and extract files to a large number of compression
    formats, can also create files in these formats, including 7-Zip,
    which is one of the best compression
    formats existing at the moment. What will allocate PowerArchiver
    from a huge number of utilities like him –
    a wealth of additional features. Simply put, PowerArchiver
    – one of the most innovative utilities of this kind,
    which were first added to the opportunities that you think you
    ’re granted a utility for archiving.

    - Support of 7-ZIP, ZIP, CAB, LHA (LZH), TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, BH, RAR, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO, GZ and BZIP2 file formats
    - Support for disk image formats, ISO, BIN, IMG and NRG
    - Integrated support for XXE, UUE, and yENC file encryption
    - Full support for MIME (**** 64)
    - Create ZIP, CAB and PAE encrypted self-extracting archives using a wizard
    - Support for unlimited size ZIP archives
    - Using compression profile to store the settings of compression
    - Full support for AES-encryption with varying degrees of stability (128-bit/192-bit/256-bit)
    - Full support for AES-encryption for 7-zip and multivolume 7-Zip archives
    - Download archives or backups directly to FTP / SFTP (SSH) sites with support for profiles and features timeout
    - Password manager for saving frequently used passwords
    - Built-in viewer, image and text files in the archive (TXT, RTF, GIF, PNG, BMP, ICO, TIFF, GFI, SGI, EMF, WMF, PPM, Adobe Photoshop, Autodesk, Truevision, – ZSoft Paintbrush, Kodak Photo- CD, Jasc PaintShop Pro, Dr. Halo)
    - Lots of powerful file operations (including: renaming files, testing archives, viewing and writing comments to the archives, check for viruses, etc.)
    - Supports “Drag-and-drop”
    - Two ways of viewing archives (Classic – all files; Explorer – Files are displayed in the same way as in Windows Explorer)
    - Integration with Windows Explorer for quickly creating and extracting archives
    - Ability to edit files within an archive using one single operation
    - Print a list of files in a text file or HTML file
    - Tool for repairing corrupted archives
    - Conversion of files (such as from ZIP to CAB or from LHa archive in ZIP archive)
    - Simultaneous extraction of multiple files
    - Batch to create several different ZIP-archives at once
    - Favorites folder for quick search archives
    - Powerful search archives
    - Supports changing skin interface.
    24 Mb
    اداه التفعيل مرفقه مع البرنامج
  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: برنامج ضغط الملفات العملاق PowerArchiver Professional 2011 12.00.38 Final في اخر اصدار بحجم 24 م

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  3. حودة الصعيدى

    حودة الصعيدى Active Member

    رد: برنامج ضغط الملفات العملاق PowerArchiver Professional 2011 12.00.38 Final في اخر اصدار بحجم 24 م

    نورتنى يا باشا
  4. قمر

    قمر Active Member

    رد: برنامج ضغط الملفات العملاق PowerArchiver Professional 2011 12.00.38 Final في اخر اصدار بحجم 24 م

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