هاكات كروس فاير , هاك Cheat D3D ZM MODE v.5.7 , بتاريخ اليوم 16/5/2016

الموضوع في 'هاكات كروس فاير Crossfire Online' بواسطة MohameD, بتاريخ ‏16 مايو 2016.

  1. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    هاكات كروس فاير
    هاكات كروس فاير جديدة
    هاكات كروس فاير للتحميل
    هاكات كروس فاير 2016

    هاك Cheat D3D ZM MODE v 5.7
    بتاريخ اليوم


    مميزات الهاك



    طريقه الاستخدام
    1 download the file and unzip to cheat
    2 cheat run from the administrator, a window will appear in which you need to enter a password

    3 Now this form will cheat

    4 Press the letter A in the form of cheat

    5 After that letter appears in the form of cheat. In this letter you will need to activate the cheat in stock. This letter will be different each time.

    6 in my case, now it is the letter F
    7 loader run as administrator!
    8 Now will this form of cheat

    9 crossfire start the game and go to the warehouse
    10, click on the cheat button when activating the game menu
    Include the necessary functions keys Up Down Left Right
    Close to open the menu on the Insert button

    If is not allowed into the game, jumped or leaped XTRAP mistake, repeat it all over again! If you have all the time xtrap turn off antivirus before starting the reader, it interferes with the proper Inject






    شرح فيديو للهاك
  2. C.E.O

    C.E.O Administrator

    رد: هاكات كروس فاير , هاك Cheat D3D ZM MODE v.5.7 , بتاريخ اليوم 16/5/2016
