موقع اللعيه http://www.sirius-online.com/ أحسن حاجه تجيب جولد و EGY B من غير شحن أن الناس تطلع TRADE و Thif زي زمان للحصول علي هدايا خاصه :- يرجي إرسال رقم "10" + إسم الشخصية الخاصه بك علي صفحتنا علي الفيس بوك https://www.facebook.com/SiriuS.Sro/?fref=ts&__mref=message_bubble Pvp server Dg11. -Masteries : 330 ( Chinese ) & 220 ( Europe). -Instant : Lv 110 [Pvp Server]. - Race : CH\EU. -Items : D11 [Nova , EGY A , EGY B]. -Advances 2 and 3 From npc with coin -Nova : From NPC With 1 Gold. -EGY [A] With Coin's OR FGW. -EGY With Coin's. [*]-Coins : From Uniques. [*]-Alchemy Stone From NPC. [*]-Sepcial Scrolls From NPC. [*]-New gameplay system. [*]-Free Silk. [*]-Events [ Uniques & H/S & Pvp ] Every Week. [*]------------------------------------------------------ [*]-Fortress war : Working. [*]-Arena : Working. [*]-CTF : Working. [*]-Max Plus : +19 [*]-FGW : Working. [*]-Fortress War : [Jangan & Bandit ]. [*]------------------------------------------------------ [*]Avaiable Places [*]Constantinople : Available [*]Samarakand: Available [*]Jangan: Available [*]Donwhang: Available [*]Hotan: Available [*]Roc Mountain: Available [*]Arena:Available [*]----------------------------------------------------- -Donate : Items +19 -Event's will be every 1h soon.. and more Thank you.