أقدم لكم SkyLines The- new-Chapter-5.8 Version: 2011.2012 Author: Sunshine Added: 25/4/2011 Downloads: 916,564 Rating: 3 Compatibility: Windows Live Messenger 8.5 ثيم جميل جدا The Lightweight skin with Holiday themes! This skin fully colorizes with your Messengers background color and doesn't touch any menu icons or status images. Set the Holiday theme(s) of your choice automatically, use a manual theme or no theme at all. Current Holiday themes available are: New Year, Valentines, St. Patricks, Easter (Western and على اكثر من سيرفر http://egy.egynt.net/32919.html
رد: ثيم SkyLines ازرق سماوى رائع جدا على ايجى نت معلش بس بس معلش انا مش فاهم اي حاجه هو ده لانك معرفتش تفهمني ولا ده من عندي