هاكات ولف تيم تحميل هاكات ولف تيم اجدد هاكات ولف تيم هاكات حصرية للعبه ولف تيم Wolf TeaM [WTS-WIS-WLS] Dword Vip Hack v7.5x [Welcome To Best Free Vip Hack] Edit: If you want to toooo many free vip hack like this, you need to press Thanks button for Encourage me to do this all time Version: v7.5x Programming Language: C++ Inject Type: Auto Inject Credits: Dword Hack Team (Leftspace-Maskelihileci-Nader11ndeu-Caus) Systems: Windows XP 32-64 Bit: Working [32 Bit SP3] Windows 7 32-64 Bit: Working Windows 8 32-64 Bit: Working Windows 8.1 32-64 Bit: Working Windows 10 32-64 Bit: Working Servers: Wolfteam Joygame [Working] -v7.5a Wolfteam Sofnyx International Manu [Working] -v7.5c Wolfteam Sofnyx Latino [Working] -v7.5c Wolfteam Aeria Us [Working] -v7.4 Version 7.5x Change Log: *Available to Revive Player Added *Unlimited Revive Player Added *Instant Revive Player Added *%100 Autoupdating Added (When the hack get fixed, you need to wait to max 2 hours and after that you can play with our new version, you dont need to download this hack over and over again... Its %100 Automatical (%98 pattern scanning, for %2 needs internet connection.) Required Programs: Directx 9 and 11 Features Name Esp Enemy Esp Color Team Esp Color Early Respawn No Fall Damage Respawn Where Died No Clip Fly Hack - Real [On : F] Fly Speed [x1,x2,x3] Y Speed [Space-Alt x1,x2,x3] Jump Hack [ x1,x2,x3] Jump Speed x2 Real Character Hack Red Real Character Hack Blue Crosshair Chams Esp Box ESP Line Aimbot Aimbot Fov Aimbot Key Aimbot Target HealthBar WallHack Set Cross,Chams,Chams 2, Team Esp Box, Enemy ESP Box, Team Line,Enemy Line Colors Open/Close Color Picker Infinite Ammo [Type1,2,3] HeadShot [Always,LeftShift,Capslock] Ammo Type [Grade,Sniper,Ice Wolf Ball,Em-32,Em202,GD-AFL] No Reload No Spread No Recoil No Weapon SP Macro RapidFire Wolf Settings Wolf Ability x5 Infinite Wolf Ball Wolf Eye x2 YP Booster Real Inventory Slot Inventory Anti Chat Ban Move Speed x3 Game Speed x3 Shoot To Player Wall Shot Pro Freeze Player Num1-Num0 Teleport F1 - F2 One Hit Real God Mode Ghost Master F3-F4 Catch Player E-H Mode Hack .... Return HP Hack Always-Manual Anti Map Out Kill TeamKill Change Chat Name Perfect MS Free Style Kill Hack Kick Hack Anti Ahh Anti Kick Bomb RealCharacter HP Anti 0 HP Anti Game Crash Wolf Dash Cool Down Zero Real Character Ability Spawn Check ESP Fast Switch 3rd Person Telekill Unlimited Revive Player Instant Revive Player Notice: For SAVE REAL INVENTORY ITEMS: FIRST CLICK TO RETURN LOBBY AND AFTER THAT CLICK THE FORGE (EDS SYSTEM) THEN CLICK RETURN LOBBY AGAIN. Notice 2: If you cant access our website memory........net, Some Bugs And Solution: P: I cant Access Memory........net, can you help me ? S: Yep, you need to download rsthost 2.0 and press restaurer button for repair your host file. After that, you will able to access our website Loader has green text but I cant see the hack men S: Download and Setup Directx9 and 11 If you already had directx, please be sure you have to run our loader with administrator rights . P:I cant confirm your ads system. Loader text always be red and never gonna be green. What can I Do ? S: First of all, you have to use google chrome. Open our loader with administrator rights then open google chrome and go to memory........net. Login with your membership and you can see after you login, our loader text will be yellow. Then click some ads , our website will be open some url like memory........net/php?=xxx then after that press F5 or click memory....... logo for refresh the webpage, our loader text will be green. You can just watch our tutorial video, it can be so easy for you. Notice: Check your computer clock and date, they have to be correct ! AND DONT USE VPN OR PROXY, BECAUSE YOU CANT CONFIRM , WE NEED YOUR IP ADRESS FOR CONFIRM YOU!. Notice 2: You have to confirm our ads system just once in day! Notice: Characters hp are real, characters ability are real [Speed,jump etc.] but characters defence is not real, they are same with normal character. Hack Hotkeys Insert: Show/Hide Menu TELEPORT HACK-> F1 Save Coor | F2 Load Coor FLYHACK + NoClip = "F" FREEZE PLAYER ->Numpad 1 On, Numpad 0 Off. GhostMaster-> F3 On, F4 Off Catch Player->E On, H Off من موقع فور شيرد تحميل مباشر وسريع International Dword 7.5c Joygame Dword 7.5a Latino Dword 7.5c