[IMG]http://lulzimg.com/i14/9be2e0.gif[/IMG] Nero Burning ROM 10.5.10300 +Serial نسخه كامله مع السيريال نمبر كود بلغة HTML: Nero Burning ROM 10.5.10300 Award-winning Nero Burning ROM is known for reliable, high-quality CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc burning and copying. Loaded with advanced features that go beyond just burning, it also features SecurDisc technology for the ultimate in data readability and protection. ItΓΓ*Γ**s the only program youΓΓ*Γ**ll need to save and share your files. Highlights: * High quality disc burning and copying for superior quality playback * Easy drag-and-drop burning to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs * Split oversized files to burn onto multiple discs at one time * Ensure data readability regardless of scratches, age or deterioration * Enhance security levels with personal passwords and encryption Supported media for burning * CD-R * CD-RW * DVD┬▒R * DVD┬▒RW * DVD-RAM * DVD┬▒R DL * BD-R * BD-RE * BD-R DL * BD-RE DL Supported disc formats * Data CD (ISO, UDF, ISO/UDF) * Data DVD (ISO, UDF, ISO/UDF) * Blu-ray data disc (ISO) * SecurDisc CD/DVD/Blu-ray Disc * Audio CD * Mixed Mode CD * CD EXTRA * DVD-Video * Nero Image (NRG) * CUE-Image ***91;Import only***93; * ISO Image * AVCHDΓΓ*₧* video * BDMV video * Nero DiscSpan (UDF) Supported audio formats and codecs * AAC elementary stream (AAC) - not ripping * Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF, AIF) * Compact Disc Digital Audio (CDA) - not encoding * Dolby┬* Digital (AC3) - only source format in compilations * MP3 / mp3PRO (MP3) * Nero AAC Codec, Nero Digital (MP4) * Ogg Vorbis (OGG, OGM) * PCM WAV file, ADPCM Wav file (WAV, WAVE) * Windows Media┬* Audio (WMA) - not ripping * Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Supported video formats and codecs * Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) * Audio Video Interleave (AVI) * Digital Video (DV) * Moving Picture Experts Group-2 (MPG, MPEG, DAT, M2T) * Nero AAC Codec, Nero Digital (MP4) * QuickTime┬* Movie (MOV) * Video Object (VOB) Supported image formats * Bitmap (BMP) * Device Independent Bitmaps (DIB) * Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) * Icon Image File (ICO) * JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) * Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG, JPG, JPE) * Picture Exchange (PCX) * Portable Network Graphics (PNG) * Portable Pixel Map (PPM) * Targa Image File (TGA) * Tagged Image File Format (TIFF, TIF) * Windows Media┬* File (WMF) Supported formats for playlists * Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer 3 Uniform Resource Locator/MP3 URL (M3U) * Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer 3 Uniform Resource Locator/MP3 URL + UTF-8 (M3U8) * Playlists File Format (PLS) النسخه كامله بحجم 75 ميجا + السيريال نمبر اللازم لتنشيط النسخه N.B كيفيه التسطيب : 1- فك الضغط . 2- قم بفصل النت . 3- سطب البرنامج + استعمل السيريال نمبر المرفق مع البرنامج . 4- رجع النت مرة اخرى . للتحميل http://www.filesin.com/72A5A25125/download.html
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