اسطوانة البرامج المجانية الهامة Freeware WPI 2.0.1 MULTILANG x86/x64 بحجم 1 جيغا و على اكثر من سرفر

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة حودة الصعيدى, بتاريخ ‏3 يوليو 2011.

  1. حودة الصعيدى

    حودة الصعيدى Active Member

    Freeware WPI 2.0.1 MULTILANG x86/x64

    size : 1 gega
    Year/Date of Release: 2011
    Version: 2.0.1
    Developer: q1q1
    Bit depth: 32bit & 64 bit
    Compatibility with Vista: complete
    Compatible with Windows 7 full time
    Language: Multilingual
    The Total of 114 Programs.
    + --- Tweaks
    + --- Antivirus
    | + --- Avast! Antivirus
    | + --- AVZ Antiviral Toolkit
    | L --- Dr.Web Antivirus
    + --- Security
    | + --- Internet Security
    | | L --- Comodo Internet Security 2011 Premium
    | L --- Utilities
    | + --- 2IP StartGuard 1.0
    | L --- Panda USB Vaccine
    + --- Home
    | + --- Household Finance
    | | L --- Money Manager Ex
    | L --- Card
    | L --- 2GIS
    + --- Graphics
    | + --- Icons
    | | + --- IcoFX
    | | L --- Icons from File
    | + --- Viewers
    | | L --- XnView
    | + --- Editors
    | | + --- Paint. NET
    | | L --- Paint.NET 3.36 Ultra Pack 1.04 by vadimsva
    | L --- Screenshots
    | + --- Gadwin PrintScreen
    | L --- Image Grabber II.NET
    + --- Drivers
    | L --- Platform
    | + --- DirectX Redistributable
    | + --- **** Runtime Environment
    | + --- Microsoft. NET Framework 1.1 - 4.0
    | + --- Microsoft Silverlight
    | + --- Microsoft Visual C + + 2005-2008-2010 Redistributable
    | + --- RuntimePack
    | L --- SPTD
    + --- Internet
    | + --- P2P
    | | + --- UTorrent Stable 1.8.2
    | | L --- uTorrent Stable 2
    | + --- Browsers
    | | + --- Google Chrome
    | | + --- Mozilla Firefox
    | | + --- Opera
    | | L --- Opera AC
    | + --- Internet instant messengers (IM)
    | | + --- ICQ
    | | + --- Mail. Ru Agent
    | | + --- Miranda IM
    | | + --- QIP 2005
    | | + --- QIP 2010
    | | + --- QIP Infium
    | | L --- RnQ
    | + --- Internet Telephony (IP)
    | | L --- Skype
    | + --- Traffic Control
    | | + --- BitMeter
    | | + --- NetLimiter Monitor
    | | L --- Networx
    | + --- Download Managers
    | | + --- Download Master
    | | + --- FileZilla
    | | + --- FlashGet Silent Pack
    | | + --- Orbit Downloader
    | | + --- Universal Share Downloader
    | | L --- Universal Share Downloader for share-nn
    | + --- Software Update
    | | + --- FileHippo. Com Update Checker
    | | L --- SUMo
    | L --- Making releases
    | + --- Flash Release
    | L --- TorrentHelper
    --- + Multimedia
    | + --- Audio players
    | | + --- AIMP2
    | | L --- foobar2000
    | + --- Video Players
    | | + --- Light Alloy
    | | + --- Media Player Classic Home Cinema
    | | + --- The KMPlayer
    | | L --- VLC media player
    | + --- Codecs
    | | + --- CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack)
    | | L --- K-Lite Mega Codec Pack
    | L --- Fleshpleery
    | + --- Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and Plugin
    | L --- Adobe Shockwave Player
    + --- Office, House
    | + --- DJVu
    | | L --- DjVu Browser Plug-in
    | + --- DJVu & PDF
    | | L --- STDU Viewer
    | + --- PDF
    | | + --- DoPDF printer 7
    | | L --- Foxit Reader
    | + --- Office Packages
    | | L --- OpenOffice.org Pro
    | + --- Keyboard Switches
    | | + --- Orfo Switcher
    | | L --- Punto Switcher
    | + --- Presentations
    | | L --- PowerPoint Viewer 2007
    | + --- Word Processing
    | | L --- AbiWord
    | L --- Text Editors
    | + --- AkelPad
    | + --- Notepad + +
    | L --- PSPad
    L --- System
    + --- Autorun CD
    | L --- nLite
    + --- Archivers
    | + --- 7-Zip
    | L --- WinRAR
    + --- Virtual Machines, Emulators
    | L --- VirtualBox
    + --- Defragmenter
    | L --- Auslogics Disk Defrag
    + --- Duplicate
    | + --- DiffMerge
    | L --- Similarity
    + --- Burning discs
    | + --- Ashampoo Burning Studio 6 Free
    | + --- CDBurner XP
    | L --- UsefulUtils Disc Studio
    + --- Calendars
    | L --- Perpetual Calendar
    + --- Cloning, ISO, emulation
    | + --- Alcohol 52% Free Edition
    | L --- DAEMON Tools Lite (with SPTD)
    + --- Monitoring
    | + --- BootRacer
    | L --- Inventory
    | L --- Belarc Advisor
    + --- Optimizers
    | + --- CCleaner Slim
    | L --- Glary Utilities
    + --- Section HDD
    | L --- EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition
    + --- Registry
    | L --- Auslogics Registry Cleaner
    + --- Backup (backup)
    | L --- MozBackup
    + --- Tweakers
    | + --- KillCopy
    | + --- Know Extension Pro
    | + --- Path2Clipboard
    | + --- SuperFast Shutdown
    | + --- Unlocker
    | L --- Memo Run menu for XP
    + --- Remove Programs (Uninstal)
    | L --- Revo Uninstaller
    + --- File managers
    | + --- Far Manager
    | L --- Unreal Commander
    L --- Opening
    L --- Longhorn Systray Clock

  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: اسطوانة البرامج المجانية الهامة Freeware WPI 2.0.1 MULTILANG x86/x64 بحجم 1 جيغا و على اكثر من س

    الله عليك ياكبير
  3. قمر

    قمر Active Member

    رد: اسطوانة البرامج المجانية الهامة Freeware WPI 2.0.1 MULTILANG x86/x64 بحجم 1 جيغا و على اكثر من س

    طرح متميز
    نشاطك يثمر بعطاءه يوماً بعد يوم
    حفظك الله واكرمك
  4. رد: اسطوانة البرامج المجانية الهامة Freeware WPI 2.0.1 MULTILANG x86/x64 بحجم 1 جيغا و على اكثر من س
