ZetaPower Sro Cap 110 Only CH Mastery 375 Second Generation of Ecsro Sjsro Zszc

الموضوع في 'منتدى سيلك رود اون لاين Silkroad Online' بواسطة zeta_power, بتاريخ ‏4 أغسطس 2017.

  1. zeta_power

    zeta_power New Member

    The Second Generation Of Ecsro Sjsro Zszc Sro New Upgrade
    We Introduce ​

    Old Memories Of Ecsro Sjsro Zszc Sro
    They were amongst the first Silkroad Online private servers. A server where everyone was happy to play. Where everyone was active. Where no.... asked for unique events.
    Where no.... insulted the donators. Believe it or not, we were players once too. No.... cared about players who had been playing for a longer time and had a better char.
    No.... cared about players who used their money to gain even more beautiful stuff.
    We were busy playing, even alone, or together.
    We had our own circle of friends, just like in real life. A lot of players from different countries who were dealing all the time.

    Elixirs, stones, elements. This fun is over by now. What happened to Silkroad Online? Even more servers keep opening day by day with bigger rates, more free silk.
    There are so many servers nowadays that every group of friends has one to play on.
    Players are unsecure, servers open and close.

    Players started wandering and they want more and more, because they know that the actual server is in a rush, it's running out of time, other servers are ready to steal players.
    That's why we would like to continue Ecsro Sjsro Zszc legendary and it will be an honor if we could introduce you to the old system you have wanted With most powerful new updates , that we built with a lot of years of experience.
    The Second Generation ZetaPower Online Cap 110 Only China Mastery 330+45

    If you would like to give a chance to a Silkroad Online server, where you can finally have the fun that you used to have, then it's your place.

    We are working every day to keep the balance on the server that is one of the most important parts of the game. We care about the players and try to fulfil every need without events and overcomplicated edits.
    We stick to the oldschool feeling, forget the big stacks and fancy weapons, because these are the things that always ruin a server.

    ZetaPower Online is waiting for you, where you don't have to be afraid that one day you won't be able to start the game. We assure you that your character was made on the best server possible.
    For further information, please scroll down.
    Have fun on our server!

    So how will the server's sketch look like?
    - Nothing is complicated
    - NEW Updates
    - Old School feeling
    - Free Silks -- Edited
    - IP limit 2!
    - Stable systems
    - Hourly data.... backup

    And what special things will you find on our server?
    We have Upgraded Data Of old school system
    - Alexandria Town enabled
    - coin system Battle arena
    - Forgotten World
    - first Time with 110 Cap Only china server

    One may rightfully ask: WHY is this server built? What audience do we aim?
    Back in those days when Ecsro Sjsro Zszc silkroad servers were relatively stable, I was an active player myself, and it is my favorite game even until this day. And then came the day,
    when armies of private servers opened, and there were no options but to move from one to the other. They either got closed, or I got banned for some irrational reason,
    or I was ......, or GM was a corrupt bastard, or they just simply fucked up the server in time. I had enough of it. So I started my own server.
    That was 4 years ago, and I had quite a few servers, which have let me to gain experience enough to setup, maintain, debug and edit silkroad servers at an impressive speed.
    It certainly feels that the era of overedited servers are somewhat going down, soon they are over. I realize the fact that people are looking for decent (actually) Silkroad-ish server. Thus, I start one for the community.

    Now Lets Enough Talking about Past
    And Start With Our Server Detailes

    Server details:

    Exp rate: 30x
    START PLAYING! Forget that f**king 500x rates. That's not an MMORPG. Group up with people on penons and have afternoon parties together. It was so much fun back then, wasn't it? If you want to be someone, you will have to play for it.
    I can guarantee you that your efforts won't be unnecessary!

    Drop rate: 10x
    ...and maybe that's even more than it should be. But we leave it as it is, so y'all can be happy about something. One thing is for sure: you will not be running to town every 30 minutes, because your inventory is full. You DO know the feeling, right? =)

    Gold rate: 8x
    You had better get accustomed to having 100m gold means hell of a lot of fortune. You all remember when you had your first million on iSRO, right? Catch that feeling... it's coming back.

    Alchemy rate: 1x + Magic Lucky powder
    Just a slightly bit better than the original to make your life calmer. To the hell with +15-20 weapons, those servers are mainly pay to win. You will be super excited to try +7 on your weapon, and if it succeeds, you throw up a party. If you have glow on your weapon, that makes you unique. It is like that in 95% of other MMORPGs. And had not mentioned the lack of balance with such a high success rate.

    Job rate: 10x
    A result of a long and thorough testing. We had our principles which we followed, and we decided this will be the optimal setting. We want the prices to remain real as well as players shouldn't be stuffed with gold. And since trading will be the best source of money on the server, it will worth to have as many trades as possible (and not just pressing the start button of mbot occasionly).

    Forgotten world
    Forgotten world with low rate. Only 2 star dimension holes are available at grocery shop to incite you to go together, high price for pillars. You can get your T2 son weapon reward at Samarkand storage for the collected talismans. T2 son weapons will be a little stronger than normal sos, with like +2.

    Job Temple
    Yes, we know, Job temple wasn't a part of the real Ecsro Sjsro Zszc
    Many more things weren't there either, but let's take advantage of the vsro files.
    Besides, players wanted new things so here it is, Job temple.
    You can buy T2 accessory parts from silver and gold coins that Job temple uniques drop.
    The Job temple npc can be found at Hotan teleport, it gives you directions to the teleport of Job temple.

    Battle Arena:
    Yes, we know, Job temple wasn't a part of the real Ecsro Sjsro Zszc
    Many more things weren't there either, but let's take advantage of the vsro files.
    so Lets enjoy Battles and get some coins

    Magic Pop:
    Disabled! We don't want a Pay2Win server!

    Fortress war
    Although it didn't exist back then, but it became a part of our silkroad lives. There must be a war among guilds and unions on the weekends. Do you remember the excitement when you were preparing for Fortress war? We don't want you to miss it.

    Title system
    That is right, you can wear titles according to your nationality in front of your char name! Check the new, Old Worrior looking NPC in the middle of Hotan. If you buy this, you won't even have to worry about the zerk quests. Not to talk about the good looking. Read the NPC description for more information.

    New Avatars & Wings:
    in Viedo Thread

    New Fellow Attack Pet
    in Viedo Thread

    sabakun Jowel & Magic Stone:
    to Upgrade your devil spirit

    Last degree weapons and sets
    There will be 3 kinds of last degree weapons, just like in ZSZC back then.But 11D npc wont be as strong as T1 and T2, they will be like Vsro D11. And of course 11D Seal of star and Nova editions which are stronger and better. Same goes to clothes and accessories.

    Mastery Level 330 +45 New Upgrade of ZszcSro!
    The mastery is 375, which means you can have 3x110 masteries and 1x45 can be spent according to your sake. Spend it wisely!

    Cap 110 Skills

    Free silks:
    -Yes, we will add free silk content, ....d on online uptime.
    We believe that this is not the server where you should be bathing in silks.
    Worse thing for the economy. So you will get free silk, under one temporary and one long-lasting condition:
    ! Be level 110.!
    Okay, you raged out. Why do we want this? For the second: the reason is obvious, I hope I don't have to explain it.
    As for the first, we have a solid reason: we don't want to unbalance the players' wallet - we have run into this error before, when the starters were stuffed with gold, while the not-even-so-late joiners were poor as hell. Also, we want you to advertise our server and call your friends to play with. Even I will join the players!

    Monster spawns rebalanced
    Some areas full of mobs, others empty - we worked on this one to ensure you less annoyance when you are grinding!
    ..And that's not all! You'll be able to meet the monsters from Jangan Cave in Constantinople (88-94) and Samarkand (94-99)!
    2 Gameservers [40.000 monsters]

    Oldschool stacking!
    Gathering has always been one of the SRO stuffs you always had to cope with in the past times. We add some stacking for your comfort (elxirs = 50 stack, tablets = 50 stack), but stones will not be stackable by principle (and of course because it will get attribute assimilation %'s bugged). The time of storage characters is back, and you will be rather selling some of your stored goods, thus giving a buttkick to the server's economy.
    Don't be mad because of the basic potion stack! You can buy cute potion packages from item mall!

    Oldschool glows
    I think we all like the things we are used to. So the glows will stay as they were published by joymax.
    And we Added Some New Glows to enjoy it Start With +8

    Launcher & Login screen

    Data.... backup in every hours
    We have automatic data.... backup every hour in case something occurs, so we can restore everything fast. Not every server can do this.

    Other modifications | made to the server
    Thief town scroll's cooldown has been optimalized.
    Thief suits have 1 int and 1 str to incite thieves to choose this job.
    Increased speed for NPC thieves. We want to incite traders to go with friends together or slow them down by forcing them to hunt the NPC thieves down. It has been too easy for them with those fast silk pets, not having to worry about NPC thieves,
    not to talk about the player thieves. Start playing the game with all its elements, this speed run trade has nothing to do with Silkroad.

    Unique rank. Kill a unique monster, our website automatically records it. You get points for your kills.
    The unique rank resets every 2 week. The player with the most points gets 300 silk. Second player with most points 200, third 100.

    No racism!
    - We aren't in the kindergarten, try to avoid it. Solve it between each other. Or use the chat block. (Private chat reports don't count.)
    No religious insults!
    - There are players who take their religion very seriously. They have the right to play on the server in peace. Keep your thoughts about religions to yourself, please. (Private chat reports don't count.)
    No scam!
    - Fake chars copying reliable people or just simple scammers will be permanently banned upon report. We strongly encourage everyone to make screenshots of every business action to ensure safety. We will get your item back, if the guily person is proved to be a scammer.
    Don't insult the staff!
    - We are people who do A F**K*NG LOT OF WORK to maintain the server. Is this the honor that you wanna f**k our mothers, or worse? Temporary ban will be provided, be cautious.
    Don't cry for events!
    - Nothing is more annoying than the idiots who is nothing else but "EVENT PLEZ GM" in global for hours. It is more powerfully annoying for the GMs. Why? Because events aren't part of the game envorinment. It's just some occasional candy from the staff to the players. If you want to play here because there will be event every hour, don't even think about joining! Crying people will get DC if they are annoying most of the people, or the GM.
    Selling of items and gold

    It will be allowed for a while. You can do it, you can sell anything, BUT if you get scammed, we don't take responsibility for anything. Your item might be sold to the npc or another player. To avoid the second case,
    after you get scammed, write a letter to our supporter right away and spam globals so players see what item they shouldn't buy.
    If you or your bot sells something to the NPC.

    Adding anything in the game is against our policy. We won't be able to help with that. Sorry.
    Trading in the game

    If you want to trade something with someone in the game, make sure you always pick a reliable middleman, you can even contact us for one. If the buyer/seller is lvl 1, be very suspicious. Always go to an open place where you can see the characters around, always pay attention who you give something to. There are lots of scams with fake name characters.
    Fake name characters

    There have always been kids who think it's easier to steal than work for something. They create characters named similar to your friends' characters. If someone exchanges with you from nowhere, don't accept it. Make sure it's your friend, sometimes small L and big i can't be noticed, that's why you should check their char looks too. But you had better not trust anyone, not even your friend.
    Stall "scam"

    If you put something for a low price and someone else buys it, it's your fault, we can't force anyone to give it back. Be careful next time.
    Write us only if you speak proper english, german, hungarian, french.
    We offer support in these languages. If you don't speak any of them, don't even write us, because we don't have time to guess what you want. These letters won't be answered. The user will be blocked in case of spam. Normally you get an answer within 12 hours.
    Goldbotting is forbidden.
    -Permanent ban

    Note: if you have no idea what to do when there are no events, I will list all the activities that make your MMORPG playing worthwhile.

    Try to remember what you did back then!
    - Level up (you will have time to level up)
    - Trade (gold is something you will always need)
    - Alchemy (obvious part of the game, fun)
    - Stall, trade (all the WTS/WTB, everyone likes business.)
    - Quests (to have titles and blue zerk)
    - PVP (Good old fights at Donwhang, remember?)

    Now, few words about the properties of the server:
    Firstly, the parameters:
    - vSRO server files 188
    - Usual bugs are fixed
    - Stable
    - Exploits are prevented (for example no exchange bug in pvp)
    - Anti-DDoS system (Hyperfilter)
    - No lag (decent server machine)
    - Auto data.... backup in every hours

    And the functions:
    What you have to know, that we reseted basically everything to normal.
    1: Grinding - obviously
    2: Job system - everyone will trade, right?
    3: Alchemy - the rate is low
    4: Zerk title quests - Captain, General!

    One can easily say, that the content is really minimal, compared to other servers. This isn't much, but it is deliberately like this! We don't want you to get overwhelmed or .... your playtime upon ultraspecial features of our own invention. Less extra features, less bugs! And the less is sometimes more.
  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: ZetaPower Sro Cap 110 Only CH Mastery 375 Second Generation of Ecsro Sjsro Zszc
